Umrah service
Hajj service
Visa Service
The National Overseas Services is vowed to keep up the standard of its services and confidently discharges its responsibilities to the satisfaction of all concerned. It serves with its men and material, set-up and infrastructure, wisdom and counsel from beginning to accomplishment of any responsibility.
Recruitment of workers :
On receipt of the Demand Letter and Power Attorney along-with the visa/NOC The National Overseas Services shall collect applications through any or a combination of the following processes to fund out the most suitable candidates for consideration of the Employer.
- . Newspaper advertisement.
- Specialized Agencies .
- Notice Board of The National Overseas Services.
Applications thus received/collected, shall be as per requirements of the Employer for interview and final selection by the Recruitment Officers of The National Overseas Services Trade test center. The employer or his representative are also welcome to carry out interview for final selection of candidates for which The National Overseas Services will provide necessary assistance and logistic support, e.g.
Issuance of Interview Cards :
Passport : Finally selected candidates intending to go abroad generally have their passports.
Medical : The candidates are sent for Medical Test to the authorized Medical Centers by the Embassies of respective countries.
Entry : The National Overseas Services will apply for visa for the Medically fit and finally selected candidates with co-operation of the Employer to the host country’s Embassy in Bangladesh. If there is no Embassy in Bangladesh, it will be the responsibilities of the employer to apply for visa and other permits needed to enter the country of Employment.
Ticketing : The Employer may send PTA or remit necessary traveling expenses in favour of The National Overseas Services to facilitate the traveling of the candidates The National Overseas Services has its own traveling division to purchase tickets or to process PTA for the workers.
Final Test & Briefing : Before departure The National Overseas Services arrange final trade test and briefing them about their work and situation of work place.